How Your Brain Ranks With Google Rankbrain?

RankBrain Hummingbird Google SERP AlgorithmOn 26th October 2015, Google confirmed addition of another layer to its algorithm structure for refining the search results further. This time update is named Rankbrain; and, it is being said that it is the 3rd-most important signal determining the results of search queries (The first two are still not confirmed by Google people). If it is so, you should train your brain to rank good with Rankbrain.

Don’t Worry - Understand The Rankbrain:

RankBrain is powered by artificial intelligence for embedding the large amount of queries into systematic mathematical entities named vectors that computers understand well. If RankBrain signal doesn’t assess a particular word or the phrase put as the query, the artificial intelligence machine guesses the meaning of query or the similar words / phrases to filter the results accordingly to deliver never-before searching and exploring experience. RankBrain is clubbed to hundreds of ranking signals that determine the ranking slots. From now onward, Google’s lucrative searches will be steered and managed by AI Machines. Google’s mission behind the launch of Rankbrain is to minimize the human’s role in search algorithm. Rankbrain supported by artificial intelligence is going to deliver major impacts on the ranking; thus, you are left with only one option- ‘check and update your web’s quality at the earliest’.

Rank Well With Google Rankbrain:

Do you still remember Hummingbird introduced on September 2013? It was powered with meaning technology and Knowledge Graphs for better interpretation of search queries. RankBrain is the part of Hummingbird algorithm powered and fueled time to time by supportive updates to name Panda, Penguin, Payday, Pigeon, and Top Heavy etc. On digging deeper, we find it an advanced version of Google’s Phantom II update. It means, you should intensify your focus upon the keywords, phrases, content quality, relevance and freshness like elements to safeguard your ranking against the possible impacts by Rankbrain. You should make the on page information more human friendly with phrases, long tail keywords and commonly used synonyms. Rankbrain’s AI system is designed to identify the unique search terms; so, the breaking news and most trending information will help you to get the better slot in ranking.