Basic Digital Marketing

What Is The Best Digital Marketing Strategy in 2021 To Make Money With?

 What Is The Best Digital Marketing Strategy in 2021 To Make Money With?

A sure sign of a failed digital marketing campaign is one that doesn’t generate clear financial returns. No matter what the objective is and what metrics you are using to measure digital marketing by, it has got to justify its use through revenue.

So many digital marketing strategies exist. The decision to pursue which ones is pivotal to connecting with an audience. The wrong choice can instantly sabotage your success and essentially drown your marketing budget before you’ve even begun.

In this guide, we take a lot of the best digital marketing strategies in 2021 and why spending your time on them is well worth it.

How Can I Promote My Video Content To Drive Traffic And Profits

How Can I Promote My Video Content To Drive Traffic And Profits?


Video gets clicks. A lot more clicks than most text or images can. At the right length and contextualized with the right tone, video marketing campaigns not only get attention but are memorable to your target consumer.

 In the context of marketing, video is nothing new. With the way the Internet has developed and the accessibility of tech having opened up, anyone can make, launch, and monitor a video marketing campaign more or less from their smartphones. This has meant more noise to cut through and the challenge of being heard amongst so many different brands having videos perhaps similar to yours.


The first step is getting the video-making part. That’s only a part of it, though. Arguably, getting the word out is more important. A video doesn’t get clicks if people don’t know it’s there. This article is about the strategies to get your video content in front of people to drive traffic and profits.


What Should My Video Marketing Be About?

Effective marketing relies on the quality of the product. It is crucial to avoid creating spam-like videos. Instead, strive to make your video unique and distinctive. The content of your video can encompass a wide range of topics, from informative how-to guides to providing behind-the-scenes glimpses into the production process of a product. Ultimately, the possibilities for video content are endless, allowing you to tailor it to your specific preferences and objectives.


Where Should I Publish My Video Marketing?

YouTube video marketing is far and away the best there is. YouTube is the perfect host, allowing you to embed the video wherever you like. That said, there is also an argument to be made for publishing your video onto native platforms. Sites like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are likely to provide you with better promotion from an organic algorithm standpoint than if it’s an embedded video post.


What Is A Video Thumbnail, And Do I Need One?

A video thumbnail serves as the visual representation of your video, acting as its front cover. Thumbnails must be vibrant, straightforward, and easily understandable, especially on mobile screens. Any individual involved in video production should incorporate thumbnails into their video marketing strategy. This practice allows you to control the initial image viewers see when your video is presented, increasing the chances of attracting the desired audience and encouraging them to watch your content.


Should I Look At My Competitor’s Video Marketing?

Your competitor’s video marketing can be important but also detrimental. You don’t want to copy videos that are already done. People are selective about what they click on and watch. An already-successful video on the same subject you want to speak on will rank higher than you. Uncover a new spin on the same subject or move on to something that isn’t already widely available.


How Can I Get More People To Click On My Video?

Beyond getting all the technical aspects of video-making done right, you may want to tie your video to a giveaway or provide some incentive to click a secret promotional code at the end of the video. This will get your video more clicks right off the bat. It’s not long-term sustainable but will temporarily boost views and help create the awareness that many organizations want.


When you publish a video, should it be for mobile or desktop?

The vast majority of video views are generated from mobile devices, with smartphones being the most prevalent. When creating and editing your video content, it is crucial to consider that it will likely be viewed on a smaller screen. Therefore, any text included in the video should be large enough to ensure easy readability. Additionally, the audio should be clear and audible, and the lighting conditions should be optimal to provide a fair viewing experience..


What Is The Best Metric To Use To Judge A Video Campaign?

 It is important to have a clear understanding of how to evaluate the success of a video marketing campaign before embarking on it. While profits and revenues may not always be the most accurate metrics, there are other indicators that can be used to assess the impact of your video and its role in enhancing your brand. These include clicks, views, shares, comments, and likes, all of which provide valuable insights into how the audience is receiving your video. By analyzing these metrics, you can determine whether your video effectively conveys your brand message and contributes to its growth.


How Can I Optimize My Video For SEO?

 With video marketing , a lot of the back end is already done for you. All you have to do in optimization is make sure you’ve got the keywords and links in the right place. Here are some strategies to work with.


  • A title that isn’t short and includes multiple keywords, ensuring your video is easily found.


  • A description that includes more keyword optimization and a link to your website to find out more.


  • Metadata tags that include any tags or keywords you want to be attached to your video content.


  • In addition to metadata tags, you may also have space for hashtags, which are done similarly.


What Is The Best Way To Use Video On Social Media?

 Social media is critical to a profitable video marketing campaign. Your video should be front and center on all your pages for a time. Pin it to the top of your social media profile. You won’t want to post it just once, but you don’t want to overwhelm your followers with repetitive posting. After your video is published the first time, wait sometime before you push it back out. Weeks, even.


Where Else Can I Post My Video That Isn’t Social Media?

There may be other online communities and forums that would be interested in your video. If you know of platforms where your audience is, those are great places to post your video. How else can you reach your user base through email marketing campaigns with a video embedded in the message, an SMS campaign, influencer marketing, links on other websites such as guest blogs, and more?


Should I Do A Paid Campaign For My Video Marketing?

There are a lot of ways to pay for your video to get clicks. Paid social media video campaigns work and may be something to consider if you are unknown or are still building a customer base. Paid campaigns get you clicks immediately rather than waiting. That said, this growth doesn’t last. Every click you get, essentially, you’re paying for. It can be a costly way to market unless you’re making back that money through other means.


Are You Limiting Your Video Marketing Campaign To Geographic Region?

Some brands don’t service a global market. If you don’t, don’t spend money on marketing to them. Any video marketing campaign should be restricted to the specific geographic region you serve. In this vein, you also want to use local keywords to successfully target this audience, including putting keywords into your title, description, and any attached posts.


What Can I Expect When I Publish A Video For My Business?

A video should be evergreen content, lasting for months, if not years. Over time, a video will continue bringing in more clicks and attention on availability and keywords alone. Keep your video up and on your social media channels. Ensure it’s locatable, even if it’s not getting the promotion it did when it was first published. So long as people can find it, this builds momentum and will keep creating awareness for a long time.


How Long Does It Take For Video Marketing To Work?

Most small businesses may not like to hear it, but a promoted video will generate some numbers, and it will feel like it’s not working anymore. This is how it is for many brands, but leave a video up. It will build. If it’s a good video, it will gradually rank higher and inevitably find sufficient clicks. Think of it like dropping a business card on a highway. It blows about, someone sees it and catches it, and they let it go further down the road, and then, someone else grabs it, reads it, and drops it again. A video bounces around indefinitely, nabbing clicks left and right, and you can always re-post, write a new blog around it, and find new ways to bring it back into the conversation on social media.

Why choose Unlimited Online Exposure for your Video Marketing in Toronto?

Unlimited Online Exposure, a prominent Social Media Marketing agency based in Toronto, has built a strong industry reputation for over 27 years. They are widely recognized as trailblazers and have an impressive track record of successfully developing over 1400 websites.

In Toronto, we offer a wide range of services, including web development, video marketing, inbound marketing, local SEO, and social media marketing. Our primary objective is to enhance your brand's visibility and drive online business success. For more information, contact us at 416-477-0594 or visit our website.

Can You Still Get Somewhere With Organic SEO V. Paid Search Marketing

Can You Still Get Somewhere With Organic SEO V. Paid Search Marketing


Pay-per-click or SEO. Paid search marketing or time-consuming long-term search engine optimization. When discussing the argument of organic vs. paid, SEO comes into the picture quickly. Every marketer prefers organic and paid, as does every entrepreneur. Fortunately, they can work together. They don’t necessarily always have to oppose one another directly.

 Most start-ups and people just beginning with digital marketing want to keep their budgets to small amounts. They do not want to spend on paid search or pay-per-click. Instead, they will invest their time in blog writing and content creation to generate the SEO momentum they desperately crave. That said, on any platform, organic still relies upon algorithms and takes a lot of time strategy-wise to enact.

 Can you still succeed in digital marketing with organic SEO – that’s the question we want to explore.


What Are the Benefits Of Organic SEO?


  • Long-term momentum sustained over time. 
  • Free advertising for your business across major platforms. 
  • You create a lot of content, helping to strengthen your domain authority and web design. 
  • Provides content for you to share on social media, via email marketing, and to use to bolster brand authority, create brand awareness, and grow market share. 
  • Reach qualified leads searching for products or services like yours according to specific keywords.


What Are the Benefits Of Paid Search Or PPC?


  • You have to wait for SEO to do its thing. With a paid search marketing campaign, you generate results instantly. 
  • You pay for the clicks you receive, not those you don’t. 
  • You can generate lots of awareness quickly, helping you penetrate your target market and grab market share. 
  • You also get your brand in front of qualified leads searching according to specific keywords.


Is SEO Harder Today Than It Was Before?

 Truth be told, SEO is harder today than it was in the past. The algorithms are more complex. Competition has increased. Let’s say you once had twelve results in a search engine query. Before, two or three of those may have been paid. That leaves about ten spots to compete for. As screens have shrunk and paid search has grown, combined with the rise of SERPs, search engine optimization-led results appear further down on the page than ever.


When Is Organic SEO The Better Choice?

 If you’re on the fence, ask yourself whether you want a short-term gain or a long-term improvement. For short-term gain, paid search will pop your numbers right away. SEO is more a long-term strategy and kicks in slowly. That said, organic SEO marketing will also net you some potentially better results if you’re willing to wait. It’s also a great strategy if you have a core collection of products or services you always want to keep front and center for target customers.


Will I Make More Money With SEO Or PPC Paid Search?

Analyzing website traffic and where it comes from will reveal how successful PPC and SEO are. The average website gets over half of all its traffic from search engines like Google. The vast majority of this is through organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Less than 2% is derived from paid. Though this can vary, what’s clear is that SEO can nab you major traffic, and long term, that’s where you will make far more money than on any short-term paid search campaign.


How Can Paid Search Make My Organic SEO Better?

When you set up a PPC campaign, you’re also buying into a wealth of analytics and keyword real-time research. Paid search will allow you to see what keywords are ranking and what’s struggling. You can apply this keyword research to your organic SEO, plugging terms in optimized content. Many brands use data from PPC and paid marketing to improve organic digital marketing strategies.


How Do Search Engine Results Pages Impact My SEO?

 SERPs now allow a user to type in a question and have it answered without clicking on a result. This is considered what’s called a ‘zero-click search.’ If your content is optimized for inclusion as a SERP, this provides more exposure but doesn’t necessarily generate a click. Fortunately, SERPs aren’t a bad thing. Forming correctly is another strategy to bring the content up toward the top of the page without engaging in paid search.


What Is The Best SEO Strategy To Use To Make Money?

SEO can be simplified into three steps. Create content. Optimize it. Distribute it. That’s everything. Do this repeatedly and with high-quality content, and you’re building a runaway train of momentum that will carry you far. Considering how many people are doing this, the challenge becomes how you can do it better than anyone else. Here are SEO money-making tips to keep with you.


  • Use photos, graphics, and video in your content, optimizing each so that they are appropriately classified on image search engines and video search engines. 
  • Focus on keywords general and specific, and short and long. Blend them in naturally. 
  • Distribute your post on relevant social media platforms, making it widely available and generating the clicks you need to increase web traffic and further strengthen brand awareness efforts.


Can I Use the Same SEO Strategy As My Competition?

 Monitor your competitors. Don’t outright copy them, however. That said, you do want to understand a few things about how they operate. Look at the sites that are higher on the search page than you. Ask yourself why they’re there. Make some notes.


  • Quality of content. Sometimes the content is noticeably better. It’s written better and includes more unique information than what you’ve provided thus far.


  • Keyword Their content may contain a short-tail and long-tail keyword approach your page doesn’t have.


  • Internal linking. Their content may have better internal linking to other pages, an underrated ranking factor on Google.


  • External linking. You may not be able to see it but content with higher quality backlinks rank better than pages that aren’t as referenced on external sites.


You Don’t Need Your SEO To Give Your #1 Placement To Work. Here’s Why.

 A study done in 2006 showed that 51% of people clicked on the first Google result that popped up. Today, that number has gone down to 28%. More people are scanning pages, looking for relevant information and the right result. Your target on an SEO marketing campaign is not to get #1 place; if you can, that’s even better. The target is to get featured on the first page, whether through paid search, SERPs, video or image search, or otherwise.


Will More People Click On An Ad Than A First-Page Search Engine Result?

 Ad click-through rates tend to be quite low. Compare that to the clicks first-page search results get. From the first spot down, click-throughs evidently diminish but even at the bottom of page one, the last result still gets on average 3% of people clicking which exceeds that of most advertisements. That’s something to think about if you’re still on the fence about whether investing in Search Engine Optimization  still makes sense.


Why Do Platforms Like Facebook Keep Changing Algorithms?

When Facebook first became popular, it was much easier for small businesses to reach target customers and followers. Today, you are heavily reliant upon an algorithm that changes pretty regularly. It’s in the best interests of social platforms and searches sites like Google to have brands opt-in on paid marketing. The platform makes more money that way. At the same time, they have to balance small business interests and allow for organic growth.


Can SEO Still Work In A Marketing Landscape Dominated By Algorithms?


Brands are at the mercy of the algorithm with SEO. That said, if you do SEO right and do not pursue strategies that are considered spam or unethical, you can still get ahead. You can rank your website at the #1 position on certain keywords by putting in the time, consistently posting new content, and keeping your website up-to-date.

SEO still works. With paid search marketing, though, you speed up what’s possible and can jump ahead, albeit only temporarily.

If you have a restaurant and need help with your social media marketing, web development in Toronto and local SEO in Toronto give us a call at 416-477-0594 or leave a message on our website. Unlimited Exposure has been in business since 1997.


Am I Doing Digital Marketing Wrong?

Am I Doing Digital Marketing Wrong?

 What’s digital is always evolving. In a lot of ways, it’s fairly easy to have your digital marketing underperform. Algorithms change. So does user behaviour. Even month-to-month, marketing campaigns considered highly effective can gradually lose their ability to generate profits and returns.

 There are a lot of ways to do digital marketing wrong. The campaign itself can be flawed. The sales funnel that takes a lead through to becoming a customer can have holes in it, either in acquiring the lead, in the web design of your website, or in the final stages of conversion. It can happen to any brand – and if you’re around long enough, eventually, you will encounter a campaign that doesn’t perform like you had hoped.

 Digital marketing that isn’t working shouldn’t keep you on the same path. When you see your campaign isn’t resonating with your target audience, cease what you’re doing and try an alternative approach.


How Do I Use Images, Videos, And Graphics In My Content To Get More Clicks

The written word is powerful. They aren’t the be-all, end-all in content delivery, however. More brands than ever populate the marketplace today. A lot of them put out thousands of words monthly and some to no response whatsoever. Users are being flooded every day with all this content, most of which will be dismissed in milliseconds.

 How you get your content marketing to stand out, get attention, and ultimately be its most effective is to use things like design, images, videos, and graphics. This is to frame your content message in a quick-to-digest format. The use of visual design will also help to overcome the repetitiveness of text which is easy for a modern consumer to browse past.

 If you can write amazing content, that’s excellent! It’s still not enough to guarantee success. You’ve got to work design in there. This is how you come up with more powerful content that doesn’t compromise the quality of your output. This is how you cut through the noise and gain competitive advantages across social media platforms, search engines like Google, and offline as well.

How Do I Increase My Social Media Numbers?

How Do I Increase My Social Media followers?

“How do I get more followers on social media?”

“How do I get more likes and shares on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and my other social accounts?”

“How can I get more followers to comment and interact with my brand?”


These are all common social media marketing questions about getting people to pay attention. Eventually, every brand hits a wall. They create their accounts. Maybe they do a little marketing. They see some success but nothing huge. At that point, a brand has to decide whether they’re satisfied with their social media success or if they believe there’s more to achieve.

Get more followers. Get more likes. Get more shares. Get more comments. Expand, build, and grow. These are the answers to your questions. This is how you can do all of these things. It just takes time and technique.


How Do I Grow My eCommerce Conversion Rate


Everyone is selling online. Every brand that has wanted to maintain their products or services available to their target consumer has had to switch to an eCommerce model in some way. Increased competition has meant more buying options for the user. Some brands have seen conversion rates tumble or be inconsistent in the face of the many changes the pandemic’s brought on. If you’re struggling with eCommerce conversion rates for your website, here is everything you need to know about how to grow a conversion rate and how to get more customers to buy on eCommerce platforms.


How Do I Bring More People to My eCommerce Page?

Outreach marketing strategies on digital platforms are what will get you more users to an eCommerce page. Though you may not think this directly impacts conversions, it does. Market products correctly through outreach and you get more qualified leads. Better leads = higher conversion rates. You bring more people in by going to where the people are. Look to search engines like Google and social media platforms a la Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and others for deep-dives into the opportunities available there.

How to Use Video Marketing to Sell Your Brand to Users Online

How to Use Video Marketing to Sell Your Brand to Users Online

This is your chance. This is your one chance to sell your brand to a new user. The user’s clicked your video. It’s loading. They watch. One second, two seconds, three seconds… and you’ve already lost them. Do you know what you did wrong – find out below.

What marketing research tells us is that the average customer makes up their mind about a product, service, or brand in ten seconds or less. Those first few seconds are everything. They communicate everything a user needs to know. A video should immediately establish professionalism, tone, and visual language and meet the user's expectations.

If a user clicked on any of your videos today, think of what the result’s most likely to be. If you can’t grab and keep someone’s attention in 10 seconds or less – and not every brand can – it’s time to take an honest look at how to use your videos to sell online.

Should You Have Videos In Your Marketing Plan?

Including videos in your marketing plan is a smart decision that can significantly benefit your business. Video marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for engaging with your target audience and driving brand awareness. But beyond its immediate impact, videos can also play a crucial role in your SEO strategy, helping you improve your website visibility and attract more organic traffic. Here's why you should have videos in your marketing plan:

22 Reasons to Try Influencer Marketing On Your Next Digital Campaign

 22 Reasons to Try Influencer Marketing On Your Next Digital Campaign

Influencers are on Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and everywhere. Each top influencer holds an audience of thousands, tens of thousands, and sometimes millions. By connecting with an influencer and having them mention your brand, product, or service, you gain instant exposure. That’s influencer marketing. Here are 22 reasons to try influencer marketing on your next campaign.

Influencers Are Seen As More Trustworthy

Influencers are sort of like Internet celebrities but they’re a lot more. Influencers can be anyone. They can be any age, any demographic. There are micro-influencers at a local level and influencers in specific product categories as well as those with millions in followers. Each is perceived as authentic, trustworthy, and real. That’s a lot of credibility that will translate to your brand.

How Can I Do Better Than My Competition in Digital Marketing – see here

How Can I Do Better Than My Competition in Digital Marketing – see here

 There are a lot of things we can do together in this world. Succeeding in business is not one of them. Some brands dominate, and as any small business owner or digital marketing eventually discovers, some don’t. If you aren’t growing market share, you’re losing it. New competition in every category rises every year. What will you do about it – sitting still is not an option.

When you tap into a digital marketing strategy, you expect to succeed. This inherently requires you to do better than your competition. It’s crucial. It’s not mean-spirited to want this. Success in the marketplace requires the failure of others. It’s you and them competing for consumers. If you don’t win, you lose. So, how do you better your competition and reap the rewards of a high-performing digital marketing campaign – Let’s get serious and look.

Does Every Business Need A Digital Marketing Campaign?

One of the best pieces of advice we ever heard was this. Show up. People who show up get opportunities that those who don’t will ever get. ‘Showing up’ in digital marketing is having a well-optimized website and engaging with active users on social media accounts across platforms like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Alignable, etc.  It’s about being present.

12 Pieces of Advice on How to Make Your Best Digital Marketing Campaign Yet

12 Pieces of Advice on How to Make Your Best Digital Marketing Campaign Yet

 Digital marketing tips, tricks, and the strategy you use are crucial to your business’ success.

Whether you are setting up your first digital marketing campaign or are very experienced with marketing online, we thought we’d share some advice on how you can think differently about success, what that means, and how to achieve long-term.

It’s up to you. You can make 2021 your biggest sales year yet, pandemic or not. Here is how.

Always Measure Your Digital Marketing Results

Analytics aren’t there to be an afterthought. You have endless amounts of data automatically compiled every day based off social media, website use, email, search engine clicks, and marketing. Use those.

How Can I Use Digital Marketing to Better My Brand’s PR Strategy – see here

How Can I Use Digital Marketing to Better My Brand’s PR Strategy – see here

When a brand needs it, PR is their best friend. When they aren’t in a crisis and public relations aren’t at the top of your list of things to think about, PR is non-existent for a lot of websites, businesses, and brands.

Public relations isn’t meant to be tapped into once every 6-12 months. PR is used continuously to freshen up a brand’s image, create positive conversations in the marketplace, present new products or services in a certain light, and position your brand for success.

At the heart of solid PR is digital marketing. There is no better way to reach an audience than through online channels, a la social media, email, video, and directly on your website. If these channels are underdeveloped or non-existent, there’s a problem.

How Do I Create Videos For My Business’ Marketing Without Hiring A Professional – see here!

How Do I Create Videos For My Business’ Marketing Without Hiring A Professional – see here!

 To stay competitive, a business must tap into the promotional tactics that are working. No marketing is as powerful as video. It communicates more than text does and is the ultimate storytelling tool.

Everyday users are bombarded with written content and social media posts. These come and go. Some get to read and liked. Then others move right on by. A video demands a user to stop, watch, and engage. It’s effective and it works.

Are you using video marketing to market your business – anyone can. All you need is the commitment to producing the videos.

You don’t need to hire a video marketing professional. Here is a little bit more about video marketing and what you need to make your own content. For those with time and initiative, it’s limitless what you can accomplish.

How Do I Rank Higher on Search Engines with SEO in 2021 – see here!

How Do I Rank Higher on Search Engines with SEO in 2021 – see here!

 Search rank is super important to the success of any website, brand, and content. If fans can’t locate your content, you can’t expect to improve your SEO rank on sites like Google, Bing, and social media.

The organic traffic you get from search engine-based sources is precious. SEO is an efficient want to spend on digital marketing while creating momentum you can sustain for the long term.

In a sense, it’s the holy grail of digital marketing, and getting on that first page of results is so important. Whether you’ve experienced a drop-off in placement or are struggling to outrank the competition, ask yourself these questions.

Here is how to get your content featured on the first search engine results page with SEO in 2021.

What Does A Basic Digital Marketing Campaign For Small Business Look Like in 2021 – see here!

What Does A Basic Digital Marketing Campaign For Small Business Look Like in 2021 – see here!

What is digital marketing? It's a complex inquiry with a straightforward response.

Digital marketing encompasses any internet marketing that promotes your brand on various digital platforms. A fundamental digital marketing campaign should aim to attract, engage, and convert potential customers. These are the three essential elements: attraction, engagement, and conversion.

There is a vast audience waiting on online platforms. On average, individuals spend more than 1.5 hours daily on their smartphones. During this time, they engage in activities such as texting, browsing social media, connecting with others, searching on Google or other platforms, reading the latest headlines, and much more. The opportunities to capture leads are abundant!

Now, how can small businesses effectively utilize digital marketing? That is an even more compelling question.


Different Elements of A Basic Digital Marketing Campaign

Everyone’s got a strategy for digital marketing. There are many ways to play a campaign but ultimately, they all work from the same basics. These are the categories we’re going to discuss today.

What Are the Goals of Digital Marketing?

The goals of digital marketing are to promote a brand, increase brand awareness, drive traffic to a website or landing page, generate leads, increase sales and revenue, and build customer loyalty. Digital marketing encompasses various tactics and strategies that are aimed at achieving these goals. 

One of the primary goals of digital marketing is to promote a brand and create brand awareness. This involves using various online channels such as social media, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and email marketing to reach a wider audience and increase brand visibility.

Driving traffic to a website or landing page is another crucial goal of digital marketing. This is achieved through tactics such as search engine marketing (SEM), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing and content marketing. By attracting more visitors to a website, businesses increase their chances of converting them into leads or customers.

Generating leads is another key objective of digital marketing. This can be done through tactics like email marketing, lead generation campaigns, and content marketing. By capturing the contact information of potential customers, businesses can nurture these leads and eventually convert them into paying customers.

Increasing sales and revenue is a fundamental goal of digital marketing. This is achieved by optimizing the conversion rate of a website or landing page, implementing effective sales funnels, and utilizing persuasive copywriting and design techniques.

Lastly, digital marketing aims to build customer loyalty and retain existing customers. This is done through strategies such as email marketing, personalized content, loyalty programs, and customer support. By providing a positive and engaging experience for customers, businesses can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to repeat purchases and referrals.

Overall, the goals of digital marketing are centered around brand promotion, increase traffic, generating leads, increasing sales, and building customer loyalty. By aligning their strategies with these objectives, businesses can effectively leverage the power of digital marketing to achieve success in the online marketplace.

How is Website Design Connected to Digital Marketing?

A website is an owned asset. You create it, you manage it. Algorithms change. What’s popular on social media changes. Emails are temporary. As you go out to grab leads and customers, everything leads back to your website. This is the hub around which your digital marketing is built.

To this point, a website is where a lot of brands lose leads. Their websites aren’t fast, mobile responsible, or attractive. They don’t contain the information they should. Their eCommerce shopping experience is lackluster. Ensure your website’s on-point. Have a digital marketing and web site design expert evaluate your website.

What Does SEO Do to Your Digital Marketing?

Search Engine Optimization ( SEO)  has a big influence on digital marketing. It is what drives users to your website from search engines like Google. It’s dozens of strategies to get your website ranked high, getting you increased visibility more or less for free. SEO can be divided into two categories – on-page and off-page.

  • On-page SEO is the technical work you do on your website. This includes creating algorithm-friendly content, optimizing content with keywords, improving site speed, creating internal links, using keywords in the URL and metadata, using headings, and more.
  • Off-page SEO is the work you put in outside of your website. This includes building a collection of backlinks. That is, other websites that link back to yours. This indicates to search engines that your site is valuable and relevant. This will aid you in ranking high on any search platform.

Anyone willing to invest the time to earn the knowledge and create content on their site is capable of earning a high search engine ranking through SEO. The more exposure, the more leads. Simple as that.

What Are Different Types of Content Marketing?

Content is free. That’s why users love it. Content can be several things – funny, serious, long, short, entertaining, informative, etc. It’s up to you to decide what’s the most appropriate tone for content to take considering your audience.

Every piece of content is an opportunity to capture leads, interest new and existing customers, and provide value. The best content marketing is well-written, quality, relevant to your target audience, and truthful. Here are a few of the different types of content you may include in your digital campaign

  • Landing pages
  • Blogs
  • Videos, i.e. YouTube
  • Infographics
  • E-books
  • Podcasts
  • How-to guides

Is influencer marketing part of digital marketing for small businesses?

Influencer marketing has become integral to digital marketing strategies, particularly for small businesses and restaurants  seeking to enhance their online presence and reach a wider audience. By leveraging the influential power of individuals with substantial online followings, small businesses can effectively promote their products or services, build brand awareness, and foster customer engagement.

In the contemporary digital landscape, where social media platforms dominate consumer interactions, influencer marketing presents a valuable opportunity for small businesses to amplify their brand messaging and authentically connect with their target audience. Collaborating with relevant influencers enables small businesses to tap into established online communities, expand their reach, and drive meaningful conversations around their offerings.

Moreover, influencer marketing allows small businesses to benefit from the credibility and trust influencers have cultivated with their followers. Small companies can establish authenticity and credibility by aligning their brand with influencers whose values and interests resonate with their target demographic, fostering trust and loyalty among potential customers.

Furthermore, the trackable nature of influencer marketing campaigns enables small businesses to measure the impact of their initiatives, assess their return on investment (ROI), and refine their marketing strategies accordingly. Through specialized tracking tools and performance metrics, small businesses can evaluate the effectiveness of their influencer collaborations, identify successful engagement strategies, and optimize future marketing campaigns for maximum impact.

How Do I Use Social Media For Business?

As important as any other digital marketing component is social media. Billions of accounts are spread across TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and elsewhere. You can choose platforms where your audience is and you can start building a presence here.

How you use social media for business involves employing several different strategies. Find prospects cultivating these leads. Engage your existing audience with regular posts and outreach. Share content – such as blogs, images, and videos – with some regularity. Participate in conversations like those occupying trendy hashtags or local discussions when appropriate. Respond to customer complaints and queries. Share customer reviews. Promote marketing and general news about your brand. And so much more.

Social media is challenging only because it takes time. One has to stay involved in the conversation, be sure posts are going up, and ensure new and current followers are having questions, queries, and complaints responded to promptly.

Is Email Marketing An Effective Tool to Reach Customers With?

Though email isn’t as trendy today as it was twenty years ago, it’s still very, very important. We have email addresses like we have physical addresses. Email is the ‘home’ from which we coordinate various things relating to our digital experience.

Email marketing is the use of email to send out marketing information, such as discounts and promo codes, to advertise new products, to share contests, and to share a new digital marketing campaign.

An email has one of the highest ROI of any digital marketing strategy in 2021, bringing in an average return of $41 for every dollar spent. Here are the steps to take to build an email marketing campaign.

  1. Start An Email List.
  2. Amass Subscribers.
  3. Create Content For Your Email Marketing Campaign, Featuring Updates, Videos, and Links to Your Latest Blog.
  4. Segment Your Subscribers Based on Demographics, Purchase History, or Other Factors.
  5. Set Up A Schedule to Send Out Emails At Recommended Times.
  6. Follow Up By Monitoring How Many Conversions Are Attained.

How Do These Make Up A Digital Marketing Strategy?

After you’ve built for yourself a beautiful website, start filling it with regular blogs and content a minimum of once every two weeks. Ensure this content is optimized with SEO keywords  and formatted headings.

As you tap into your content marketing strategy, I want you to please be prepared to share this content on social media. Doing so might stimulate some likes, shares, and conversation, which can be responded to.

Then, at the end of the month, once you have a website with at least a few content posts, select the most popular and a product recommendation and send out an email blast with a coupon code.

At its essence, this is the skeleton of a digital marketing campaign any small business, brand, entrepreneur, or organization can use. It doesn’t require much more than that. However, this doesn’t mean success is guaranteed. Digital marketing is all about observing the data and tweaking it as we go along. Measure clicks—track success. Identify weak points or where you’re losing customers.

Your website could be difficult to navigate or slow. Your writing could be low-quality or not optimized correctly for search engines. Maybe there’s a way to write better social media posts to ensure the algorithms get them out organically. Maybe a paid social media advertising blitz is needed to jumpstart things. There are so many tweaks one can take to potentially increase engagement and performance metrics. This part is all about observation.

Generate awareness in the market. Inform the buyer and have them consider your product or service. Finally, the buyer decides whether to opt in (i.e. buy, like, become a follower, etc.). That’s sales 101, and it’s all possible with the right digital marketing strategy executed correctly.

Unlimited Exposure has the tools and expertise to meet any digital marketing small business challenge. We are all about return on investment. From affordable web site design to implementing and integrating CRM and Chatbots on your eco-digital system.   Your marketing should ideally generate the returns to justify it. We’ll work hard for those results. For a personalized, custom digital marketing strategy that fits your needs and audience, please speak to one of our data-driven performance experts today.

How to Build An Amazing eCommerce Site Like Amazon For Your Products

How to Build An Amazing eCommerce Site Like Amazon For Your Products

Amazon is the #1 online retail site, the top eCommerce site in the world, and the largest source for online shopping.

For any brand selling products or services online, there’s a lot to learn from Amazon in digital marketing and eCommerce web design.

Everything from the way you build your online shopping store to how products are presented, marketed, and shared on social media has a direct impact on what matters most – sales and revenues.

How Do I Create An eCommerce Page Like Amazon?

Amazon, like Walmart, sells a variety of goods. There is no niche marketing on Amazon. It’s all general merchandise marketing that benefits them. Amazon, Walmart, and other brands recognize their users are coming to them for a wide array of products. You’re different.

You have to know your audience when creating eCommerce web design and marketing. Crafting the look and feel of your online shopping experience should use images, tone, and language of the audience.

What Are the 7 Different Types of Content Marketing Used Every Day on Social Media

What Are the 7 Different Types of Content Marketing Used Every Day on Social Media

Marketing on the Internet can’t function without content. It’s the reason why people click and share.

Take away content and all that’s left is shameless promotion. Surely, no brand wants that. Consumers want value in the content they consume. This is the currency around which social media’s built as well as other systems of marketing, such as web design, email, SMS, video, and others.

With the right content, a brand can almost do anything. Consider it the ‘secret sauce’ in digital marketing. Content can engage and retain existing customers, entice new consumers from around the world, successfully launch products or services, and spur growth in a way no other strategy can.

Here are the 7 types of content marketing you can find on social media. Here is everything you need to know on how to use them to drive growth in a time-tested social media campaign tailored to your audience.

21 Digital Marketing Trends for 2021 to Use As Your Guide into the Next 12 Months

21 Digital Marketing Trends for 2021 to Use As Your Guide into the Next 12 Months

There’s been no event like the last twelve months of pandemic that has had such a profound impact on businesses at both a local and global level.

 There have been billions in lost revenues, companies that have shut down permanently, and unpredictability that has made it difficult to project, invest, sell, profit, and move forward.

 Though 2021 continues to see regions all over the world fight COVID-19 infection rates, the distribution of highly-effective vaccines has meant a light at the end of the tunnel. Now’s the perfect time to strategize.

 The months ahead are going to be a complete re-launch for a lot of brands. This means a crowded market, a lot of established players vying for the same target audience, and an opportunity to make gains for new businesses.

 Let this be your guide. Here are 21 ways you can succeed in digital marketing in 2021. Trends. Strategies. A way forward. For any brand or small business, start here to make the most of the opportunities ahead.

How to Use Video to Sell Anything And Make Money For Your Brand Online

How to Use Video to Sell Anything And Make Money For Your Brand Online

 Have you embraced video as a key part of your digital marketing strategy – if not, here’s why that’s the wrong move?

 More than any other content type, it’s a video that’s reaching 1,000,000s of consumers every day.

 Globally, video outperforms all other content on key social media sites, from Facebook to Instagram.

 Video is a way to engage your target audience, grow your business, and start a healthy conversation around your brand that generates clicks, shares, likes, followers, and most importantly sales.


How to Create Video Marketing Without the Help of A Professional

How to Create Video Marketing Without the Help of A Professional

 You don’t need to hire a professional or a digital marketing agency to create videos for digital marketing.

Using the technology on your smartphone and a few handy tools on a laptop, you can accomplish a lot.

Crafting a video. Editing a video. Publishing a video. Promoting a video. You can do it all.

A smart video marketing campaign keeps you competitive and taps into a growing audience of users who prefer video content in contrast to reading a blog you’ve written or social media infographic.

A video is a call-to-attention. A user has to click on it. It’s a stop-and-watch. There’s a lot on the line with a video. They’re more time-consuming to produce than a blog. While you are asking more from your audience, when done right, video marketing rewards are everything you want them to be and more.


 How Do I Start A Blog for A Content Marketing Campaign

 How Do I Start A Blog for A Content Marketing Campaign

 How to start a blog is simple. Come up with a title, fill in a few paragraphs, and post it on your website.

 You certainly don’t need us to tell you how to create a blog. How to write a blog for content marketing though is a slightly different story.


Content marketing is about taking what you have to say and optimizing it to drive visits, likes, shares, revenues, and more. Just because you have a blog doesn’t mean people will read it. However, learning how to market it and writing in a more marketing-focused tone can get you those eyes.

 Some want to write a blog but never get started. They don’t know what to write about.

 Don’t sabotage yourself. Commit. Here is how to start a blog for a content marketing campaign.


COVID-19 Social Media Marketing Trends That Are Defining the Future of Selling Online

COVID-19 Social Media Marketing Trends That Are Defining the Future of Selling Online

 COVID-19 has changed social media habits and patterns in substantial ways. As a digital marketing firm, this has opened up major opportunities to feature brands in new and exciting ways.

If you still see social media as simply a communication channel for users to keep in touch with friends, you’re missing out on the multi-billion dollar value platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and others have.

Shift your priorities. Take control. Re-engage your business. Reinvent, innovate, and earn customers. Here are some of the biggest insights we’ve seen from the past year dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic on social media.

Your Ultimate Guide to On-Page and Off-Page SEO Best Practices

Your Ultimate Guide to On-Page and Off-Page SEO Best Practices

SEO, aka search engine optimization, is used by brands to attract sales, bring traffic to their website, and drive growth. It’s a key digital marketing strategy.

SEO has changed so much since the early days of keyword-loading and backlink-filling. More sophisticated and technical than it’s ever been, today’s SEO relies on a mix of on-page and off-page optimization strategies to place high-quality websites.

In this guide, we provide all the answers to grow your small business website with SEO best practices.

11 Ways Small Businesses Are Using Social Media Marketing to Drive Growth

What Are the Benefits of eCommerce – Why Every Website Should Be Selling Online Today

 COVID-19 has cut small businesses down. Some have had to shut their doors permanently. A marketing plan centered on social media is your opportunity to re-establish your brand and cultivate a following.

 There’s still time. If you haven’t yet optimized your social media marketing for this new environment, the benefits are still there and the effort will be worth it.

 Let’s look at how other businesses and brands have been using social media in the COVID-19 pandemic. When done successfully, you do two things – re-establish your brand and cultivate growth.

What Makes Social Media A Successful Strategy?

 Being active and having a goal-driven social media marketing plan. This is how you build presence.

 Brands who are using social media the right way have tapped into it as a customer service channel, are generating leads, expanding their audience, driving sales, increasing web traffic, and recording feedback.

 Set goals. Have multiple goals in mind that you can measure. If you don’t know what you’re looking to accomplish, there’s no way to know if a plan is working. Being active isn’t enough. Discover the objectives that would benefit you in the largest way possible.


What Are the Benefits of eCommerce – Why Every Website Should Be Selling Online Today

What Are the Benefits of eCommerce – Why Every Website Should Be Selling Online Today

 Do you run a business? If the answer’s yes, you should be selling online.

Are you looking to make the highest profits possible this year? If the answer’s yes, you definitely want to be selling online right now.

Do you sell products and services to customers locally or internationally? Once again, if the answer’s yes, you should be selling online.

Selling online is the art of eCommerce. Regardless of what kind of business you operate, eCommerce has room for every room. The consumer demand is there. Web design and digital marketing services are tailor-made for eCommerce websites. If you don’t already have a storefront online, get one. Here’s why.